Monday, June 12, 2006

Go Where Fortune Takes You......

Yes, I am learning, I am go with the flow. Opportunities come and go....they are always out there.
The last post was 36 days ago. Andy has graduated and is doing rehearsals for the Music Man. He will be moving into the dorm in about 2 months. I am really excited for him and he has already made friends at the college because of theatre.
I am not writing for Suite101 because they never paid me. and all these ridiculous hoops we had to jump through....promises....promises.....after the fact, I checked on the Internet and found that there are plenty of writers out there who were shafted the same way. I don't think it was a bad experience because I was forced to write articles and think of ideas that would fit the topic and not just something that is an incoherent babbling as on this blog!!! so chalk a postive for experience.
I will be working on Tuesdays and Thursday at Christ the King--only 36 students and I will be able to do wonderful things there because of the smallness.
I have also had a revelation--that I can move in the next year, sell my house. perhaps buy a small place in another state (like NM) and work for awhile as counselor and have a second retirement income. I have looked into houses in Ruidoso and it looks promising plus I know a million people there--it is so damm hot here that I can hardly stand it--I am really sick of these hot, hot summers.....I am on my way there tomorrow for some r&r and to work on my WF presentation--I have some really good stuff to present I am excited.
until later............


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