Sunday, December 31, 2006

Charles Dickens had it right.....

It was the best of times and the worst of times...I don't have to tell you because you know the beginning lines of A Tale of Two Cities don't you?
I have been having a ball finding out that those old cliches from old family members and those literary lines from the classics we used to hate in high school English class ARE REALLY TRUE, they are priceless. We never get great "one philosophy fits all" lines like those from any "new" literature or media today--I mean..."ya talkin' to me?" doesn't have much meaningful "meat"--or "the truth, you can't handle the truth..."--not so much....
anyway getting back to the original premise of this blog entry.... after 52 years of greeting the new year and probably 39 of those begun with a list of resolutions, regrets, and seductive self-growth programs....I am thinking that maybe resolutions are not necessary to begin on the first day of the New Year. Maybe we need to make resolutions each month--that way it doesn't take so long to see if we kept the resolution. hey want to quit smokin--you could for a month. instead of biting off more than we chew for a full 365 calendar days, maybe we should say "I will resolve JUST FOR THIS DAY to take more risks, or not to eat as much, not to buy yet another pair of earrings, or not to smoke a menthol cigarette or not to shoot the finger and scream like a banshee at errant drivers on cell phones. Just for today.....because as you know from the vintage smiley face poster of the psychedelic 70's--"today is the first day of the rest of your life"--
hey, you talkin' to me?

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