Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Fallacy of One Life--One Career....

How can we be expected to remain in one career our entire life?

For most of us, the choice of careers is made when we are a young and impressionable (albeit inexperienced) eighteen years old. Most have never lived away from parents, have not attended college, many have never held a job of any kind.

so for that one moment of revelation, that one seized second are we forever committed to that career decision.

I am not the same person that I was at 18 or 25 or 35 or 40 or even 50 (I am 54). Opportunities and experiences happen everyday that make me think: "ooh that would be fun to do that..." most individuals however are locked in financially OR emotionally to that career decision that we made at 18....and particularly so if it is a career that required a great deal of money or time....

As I work with individuals (most of whom are in the 18-20 age bracket) I try to get them to think across the life span--but in a way that in non-committal. I try to get them to anticipate the lifestyle changes that inevitably come with certain ages and experiences (having children, planning for retirement)--this helps to not only arm them with possibilities and options (remember...forewarned is forearmed!!!) but also a sense of control over their own life....

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