"I feel the capacity to care...that is the thing which gives life its deepest significance." Pablo Casals
We don't realize that things we might say in passing have a tremendous significance in someone's life.
In junior high, I was not a good athlete--one of things I could NOT do was climb the rope up to the ceiling of the gym--most students could--I was very embarassed. After I was humiliated by my failure several times, my PE teacher motioned for me to quit trying but she said--"I bet you are a baseball queen though! What a wise teacher....
In school, I remember precious few compliments or any real connections with teachers, especially in high school. Most did not want to make any real connection with students--the" garage door" was closed to that...
After making what I perceived to be a very low score on the SAT, my homeroom teacher said I should not waste my time in college--another teacher, seeing I was upset...surprisingly laughed at the story--"what a stupid woman....she didn't bother to see you made a PERFECT SCORE on the verbal section....what a fool....it was the score in Math that made your score appear to be low...you must be very gifted in writing and speaking..." and so I became gifted in writing and speaking...
The power of words...no one is more affected by the power of words than children and especially teenagers....we should be careful of what we say and how we say it...
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