Wednesday, November 03, 2010

You're More Powerful Than You Think

I ran for political office because I wanted to serve people (I've had a lifelong love affair with people) and I wanted to change things for others.

It wasn't a disingenuous desire, it certainly wasn't a good career move, it wasn't a craving for power or influence because I don't operate that way. It was only because I wanted to help Texas to become a state whose sole purpose was to serve people.

I didn't win the election.

Am I disappointed? Amazingly, no. Through daily morning and evening prayers and faithful meditation, I released my attachment to the outcome of this election many, many months before November. I didn't ask to win or lose--I only asked for what would be in the best interest of people and for me---a blessing for me and for others--and I received it.

Something I've realized through all of this is that I am POWERFUL and most importantly, NOT by being in political office. I must have independence, creativity, and freedom and all of that would be stifled by being a cog in a wheel within a system.

It's that independence, creativity and freedom that provides my power.

Everyone has the power to be an agent of change--it can be within your own home, your neighborhood, your career, your peer group--anywhere.

Pick a cause, any cause--the list is endless. My cause is helping people to plan their lives so that they may live more abundantly--both spiritually and monetarily--helping people of all ages to navigate their way through their life and through time.

Each one of us must take up the righteous sovereign for others in some small way. Each one of us has a mission--a purpose for why we were present on this earth--find yours.

You have much more power than you think--a drop of water is nothing unless there are many drops of water--then it creates an ocean.

Don't think about limitations, think about possibilities--use your power.

1 comment:

Line Dancer said...

You are positively amazing.