Monday, March 26, 2007

Taking Green to a New Extreme

Everyone needs to get an RSS feed to get the NYT headlines. Today, there was a very intriguing article called A Year Without Toilet Paper. It was about a young couple who are both writers who are trying an experiment of making no impact on the environment. They use no electricity--basically and they have a very strict regimen about the food they consume. You have to read it...I am all for being environmentally sensitive--but I think it would be miserable to live the no impact lifestyle.
There are things that we all can do to help lower our effect on the world's environment, but this is pretty extreme!
When I think of living extreme, I think of the old movie from the late 60's called Soylent Green. It had Charleton Heston, it was set in the future, too many people, shortages of food, etc everywhere...a kind of Orwellian government started exterminating people when they could no longer serve their specific purpose and they made the remains into food--kind of a scary movie if you think about it!!!
It all comes down to finding a balance in what you consider to be "quality of life".......

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