Sunday, December 31, 2006
Charles Dickens had it right.....
I have been having a ball finding out that those old cliches from old family members and those literary lines from the classics we used to hate in high school English class ARE REALLY TRUE, they are priceless. We never get great "one philosophy fits all" lines like those from any "new" literature or media today--I mean..."ya talkin' to me?" doesn't have much meaningful "meat"--or "the truth, you can't handle the truth..."--not so much....
anyway getting back to the original premise of this blog entry.... after 52 years of greeting the new year and probably 39 of those begun with a list of resolutions, regrets, and seductive self-growth programs....I am thinking that maybe resolutions are not necessary to begin on the first day of the New Year. Maybe we need to make resolutions each month--that way it doesn't take so long to see if we kept the resolution. hey want to quit smokin--you could for a month. instead of biting off more than we chew for a full 365 calendar days, maybe we should say "I will resolve JUST FOR THIS DAY to take more risks, or not to eat as much, not to buy yet another pair of earrings, or not to smoke a menthol cigarette or not to shoot the finger and scream like a banshee at errant drivers on cell phones. Just for today.....because as you know from the vintage smiley face poster of the psychedelic 70's--"today is the first day of the rest of your life"--
hey, you talkin' to me?
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Super Idea for Traveling and Writing Retirees
This invention/service could completely alter the way we live and work--retiree wise. Workers wouldn't have to put off traveling around the country just because they needed to keep their employment. This would be especially great for writers--since they are independent contractors any way! This opens up a whole new avenue.
Geez Loo-ize!!!
Solitude is essential for writers. That is why writing is such a lonely job. It would be great to do "brain mapping" on writers vs. non-writers to see how differently each group's brains were wired. Brain research and learning is one of my new interests. I get too many interests these days. There is so much I want to do, YET, I seem to get nothing done, because I am too busy dreaming about all the things I COULD do!!
Semi-retirement is so great! No stress, yet I still have a connection to the world. I love no brain just seems to "lock down" when I have stress. It is like putting a clothespin on an artery--maybe that is an apt description for it. but I need money...need money.
Positano there is a place I would like to go and spend time. Little villages stuck precariously in the side of a mountain overlooking the blue waters of the sea! Wow.....I don't know that I would like to live there always (since I pondering a new nomadic existence...) what to do with the house though is always a problem. This huge old Taj Majal keeps me from doing a lot of things, but I hate to give it up. Maybe I could trade places with someone for a while?
Monday, June 12, 2006
Go Where Fortune Takes You......
Yes, I am learning, I am go with the flow. Opportunities come and go....they are always out there.
The last post was 36 days ago. Andy has graduated and is doing rehearsals for the Music Man. He will be moving into the dorm in about 2 months. I am really excited for him and he has already made friends at the college because of theatre.
I am not writing for Suite101 because they never paid me. and all these ridiculous hoops we had to jump through....promises....promises.....after the fact, I checked on the Internet and found that there are plenty of writers out there who were shafted the same way. I don't think it was a bad experience because I was forced to write articles and think of ideas that would fit the topic and not just something that is an incoherent babbling as on this blog!!! so chalk a postive for experience.
I will be working on Tuesdays and Thursday at Christ the King--only 36 students and I will be able to do wonderful things there because of the smallness.
I have also had a revelation--that I can move in the next year, sell my house. perhaps buy a small place in another state (like NM) and work for awhile as counselor and have a second retirement income. I have looked into houses in Ruidoso and it looks promising plus I know a million people there--it is so damm hot here that I can hardly stand it--I am really sick of these hot, hot summers.....I am on my way there tomorrow for some r&r and to work on my WF presentation--I have some really good stuff to present I am excited.
until later............
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
6 weeks???????
This picture looks like how I really feel today....just pooped out!
Andy has two and one half weeks until he graduates from high school! What a milestone!! (or a millstone-hahah) yep sometimes high school is a millstone....little rules and regulations that are meant to keep order that cause chaos for some kids!! Truly.......
I am still an un-royaltized writer with Suite because of low traffic to my site, but that is OK....I still lke to write.
Right now I am working on the Christ the King high school handbook---one of my favorite things to do!! I would do handbooks and how to's for free....I just love them!!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Absence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
well that is what I have heard has been over a month since I have posted.
I have been very busy because my business has picked up in all areas...great fun, interesting and challenging clients, everyday is an adventure, and fun things along the way!!
I am now a staff writer (part-time) for is very fun!! The $$ is so ...."starving artist" but it is good exercise and perhaps it will lead somewhere and perhaps not....que' Doris Day would say! It is just a part of my workday....that I LOVE!!
The address is:
Please go to that site, bookmark it, as there will be new material every few days.
I also must work furiously on the presentations I have in the next few weeks. I love presentations....that is the dramatic/entertainer coming out in me.... I dearly love working this was the way I was meant to work all along, but I could not have ever worked this way when I was younger because I didn't have the experience, the contacts, the knowledge, or the maturity!! Philosophically speaking, all things happen in their own time. I am very metaphysical in that area.... I also believe that we have to look for proof of that everyday to gain the wisdom we are supposed to obtain!!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Advantages of a 5 Year Plan
If there is something that I learned from being in public education, it is about the need to plan.
Not only to plan, but revise the plan, consult the plan, re-vamp the plan--a road map for future actions and goals.
Back in the 80's, each campus had to develop a yearly plan concerning the things that each of us wanted to accomplish professionally that year and I remember from being on the Strategic Planning Committee for the district that it was crucial that you have at least a five-year plan for a school district.
I don't know that they do those types of things anymore. At least I don't know about them. (I could go on and on about the late 80's to middle 90's and about how I think education was more creative and more committed than now...)
Anyway, that really stuck with me. I do 5 year plans and I go back and I revise (because sometimes, just like going on a trip, you may decide to take another route, or go another place altogether....) anyway, in doing this 5 year plan, I am thinking of making some drastic changes within the next 5 years.
I am thinking of downsizing to a smaller, newer living quarters. I love my house, but what does one woman do with over 3400 sq ft of house that is 55 years old....and since my income "post-retirement" has shrunk, it would be fiscally responsible to do so.... and of course, Andy probably won't return home, except temporarily, after June of this year.....
I am faced with choices....choices.....and a new found freedom that I haven't had in at least 30 years.....
The only way I can make those choices is to plan, plan, plan.....
Scary, but exciting....
Monday, February 13, 2006
Twists and Turns
I have an interesting link this morning:
This is really a book review about the new book, Naked Conversations.
This book talks about how "blogging" has crept its way into businesses and how blogging is very useful in professional areas.
So true!!!!
what a great way to "display your wares" professionally. and it puts the human face and personality with a technological twist. I couldn't agree more!!!
I wanted to link my blog with my career testing/planning business so that potential clients and people who share my interests and curiosities could learn about careers, education and life (which by the way is ALL connected!!) without having to wade through the little website I have.
Through my blog, individuals get to know me.
I have found a way to develop rapport online!! (of course, it is always better to gain rapport in person--don't discount the value of body language...
There was an article in the paper today about the value of
Professionals especially in the arts are using this as a way of publicizing themselves and their "gifts"....very smart!! but one caveat here--when readers are anonymous they may do things that they normally wouldn't do--hacking, lude behavior....
so beware if you choose to use this technological medium..
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Springing into action.....
I want everyone to know that I am, right at this very minute, sitting on my new "secret patio" off my bedroom, enjoying a very beautiful day. The weather is perfect, connected to the web, writing, and I am listening to "My Funny Valentine" by Miles Davis......too perfect. Now this is the way to write!!!
I was doing my daily Molly walk and happened to notice how quiet it was today and more than anything noticed the particular smell, just the smell of dirt, water, dead grass--but there was something familiar about it....gee I haven't noticed outside smells in a long time...I am thinking now....maybe like 20 years or more...had been too busy and too preoccupied to think about that. It seems like to one has to be "without care" to notice things like that. "Without care"....seems almost childlike, no responsibility, nothing to preoccupy your senses and thoughts. After you reach about 25, there is no such thing as "without care". When you are 6, you have no care, when you are 13-20--you don't care--and I guess when you creep into the 50-ish time, you start to be "without care"....
I want to read this new book called the "The Myth of the Bell Curve"--it has a number of essays by a lot of really neat people....Howard Gardner (remember him the 8 intelligences guy???) and one of my favorite people--Henry Louis Gates, Jr.--professor of black history at Harvard. I found out that you can do a Google Search on books and actually read entire books online....that is soooo awesome....what a way to do research. could do that all the time.....and now that I have found that I do the patio, internet, jazz-listenin' thing, I may do that more often.
speaking of Henry Louis Gates--PBS has a show called "African American Lives" Wednesdays @ 8. Scientists can now do DNA testing to find out your "ultimate" roots and examine migration patterns of the mitochondrial DNA to trace your ancestors. it is just the most interesting thing to me....
I wish that someone would just pay me to learn about things and write about about the ultimate career!!!
hope tomorrow is as nice as it is today!!!
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
"Doing Undercover Work"
Just couldn't resist sharing this picture with everyone today....this picture portrays exactly the way I feel: I know what I am but, I am sure that people may view me as an imposter.....
For any student that believes that being a part-time writer is a glamorous isn't...there is nothing glamorous about being alone 99% of the time--although I , myself really like being alone most of the time because my thoughts allow me to make my own reality --when I don't have the phone and the door bell ringing and I can let thoughts ramble into the "whys", "whats" and "whereforearts" and back again. It is not very glamorous, however, to be in your flannel pajamas at 1:45 in the afternoon, trying to articulate thoughts and feelings in writing and within a context that the outside world might want to read. It is not very glamorous to check your bank account everyday to see if you can eek out another cent or is not very glamorous to have to answer your friends' questions: "gee, what do you do all day...." so there you go, I feel as if I am doing undercover work each day. I know what I am, but I don't appear to be that to the outside world.
One of the things I am really monitoring lately is the PACE program. This program is the product of a national "think tank" with renowned educators, industrialists, higher education academics, politicians and scientists whose aim is to attract more young people to Math and Science and therefore, be able to maintain the USA's competitive edge in those areas. I watched Charlie Rose (PBS) last week and one of premises of the program is to get outstanding teachers into these areas in the public schools who are not only experts in their field but who are MOTIVATORS!!! I almost stood on my chair and applauded when I heard this!!! Someone gets it, someone gets it!!! maybe this is a move in the right direction. but wait.....we need this in all areas of education, in every area of education!!!
American public education needs a "Sputnik" type initiative in education in every area. We will lose our competitive edge if we don't create an interest in education GENERALLY....maybe we need to recruit MBA's to go into education. Maybe we need to recruit the best salesmen and saleswomen from every commissioned salesforce in every FORTUNE 500 company and recruit them to teach at least ONE class in the public schools. Perhaps this could be an idea for a new charter school...totally run by the community's business professionals--small teaching stipends for professional's to give back to the community. This was an idea that "flew" a long time ago. In really poor areas that needed a teacher--they didn't pay them money, they gave them a place to live and an occasional cow or chicken. old idea reborn??
that's why I am working undercover....
Monday, February 06, 2006
Geneaology, Life, and History
I have missed posting the last few days because I suddenly decided to work on some family history---a very impulsive decision, since I have other issues that need attention.
That is the nice thing about being self-employed, if your mind chooses to take another direction, it can do that, because no one is looking over your shoulder.
Of course, there is down side to that, also, because when one is self-employed, not producing, means no income--well at least not for that moment because you never know what sort of "muse" pops up that may be a writing opportunity for later. Being self-employed means being POOR..which on the other hand can be a wealth of opportunities for writing---lololol....welcome to Carol's little philosophical mind.
Back to the subject at hand....reflecting on family history helps us to understand how we arrived at this point in time....not that we cannot change our many destinations if we choose to do so...but the realization that all the DNA that is in our bodies is a result of all of our ancestors over the years....and that their experiences, the choices that they made or HAD to make had a hand in us...where they chose to live, move, etc. It is so fascinating. I just wish I could have a trip back in time to experience some of their life. It would make a great screen play!!!!
People are what life is about...pure and simple.....if you think about historical events....and look at the biographies of famous individuals who had a role in shaping history....history wouldn't be what it is today. All of us bring our physical genetic histories and our experience histories to the table and it does affect what happens in our day to day.....a leader, policy maker--affects the future even more. It is a very complex concept.....but fascinating.
and writers....well, they can be immortal....and their pain, pleasure and everything else inside can spew forth onto a page--whether it is fiction or non-fiction....and change the way we think or feel.
what a fascinating puzzle is the human psyche....
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Shifting Sands in the Dunes of Thought
Normally the term "find your voice" is limited to writing or to singing. In these areas, it means that you have found YOUR UNIQUE niche in writing or singing--it flows, it is easy, you own it, it is original. In our experiences, we have met those who attempt to imitate or model someone else's style--whether in singing, writing, lifestyle, physical appearance, or thought--it doesn't mean that we can't be influenced by others--it is just that we don't clone ourselves in that model.
Every profession has a term for "finding your voice"--marketing--your niche--art--finding your style, business--finding your specialty. To borrow a phrase from literature--a rose by any other name.....etc. But make no mistake, all of these expressions have the same meaning. "Finding your voice" is life, isn't easy. Discovering your "life voice" is a series of two steps forward, four steps back, trial and error, try-on/take off...much the same way that we look for clothes, test drive a car, or browse in a book store.
We have to realize that "finding our voice" is ultimately discovered by reflecting on our experiences. In order to reflect on our experiences, we have to HAVE SOME EXPERIENCES in the first place. You have to live as much as possible, try new experiences everyday, try to learn something new everyday, don't worry about the details, don't stress over every word, don't worry about doing it perfectly....
Then when we come to that "perfect voice"--it will flow, it will be easy, it will feel good, it will feel like you have returned home.
If you are interested in the concept of "flow"--read the book FLOW--the psychology of optimal experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. (that's a mouthful...)This is not some New Age philosophy--the author is a psychologist that has studied (for almost 30 years) optimal experiences. He contends that flow is a state of concentration so focused that it amounts to absolute absorption in a activity. People who experience "flow" feel strong, alert, in effortless control, unselfconscious, and at the peak of their abilities. It is a great reading experience and I know that if you read the book, you will realize that you, yourself, have experienced "flow"--it is a real brain function--that really happens and for many different reasons!!
Those of us who work with young people, especially need to remember this concept of "finding voice" --for it is only by trying on different personalities, roles, and behavior that adolescents and teens will find their true identities. It is only by this role play of "trial and error" that can discover the true path of their future.
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
State of the Union and Science and Math
I was very interested to hear the President speak of Science, Math, and Education last night.
Having students pursue more Math and Science areas is very important to our country---at the present time, we are soliciting thousands of individuals from other countries come to the USA to fill vacancies in career areas of Science and Math---because we don't have the talent to fill these vacancies in Engineering, Statistics, and Biomedical research.
Yes, I was very interested and my ears perked up like a little terrier untillll....That is...until I heard the next words....we will hire teachers who are the best and brightest, etc, etc....
that's great....but much of the problem that we have is not the teacher, but the way that we TEACH Science and Math....
I am not the only one thinking about on this link and you will see that it has even been written about in the LA Times today!,0,3211437.story?page=1
When I was working in public education, the high school exit exam had the most failures.....consistently in Science and Math.
Now first of all, I think that like everything in education---the teacher should be a SALESPERSON for their subject...every single day should be an attempt to justify to the student WHY it is important to learn this, how they will be using this, what careers will require the skill. The teacher of each and every subject should be a CHEERLEADER for their discipline. If they are teaching that subject --they should be WILD for that subject. I have seen many teachers in the Math and Science area that are about as exciting as a dried bone of a wildebeast!! I know from my own experience that sitting in Science classes in junior high...we entertained ourselves by throwing chalk pieces into the beakers at the front of class. But now as an adult, I am very interested in biochemistry and how toxins, food, and medicine affect our moods and behaviors--wow what if someone had told me about these things when I sitting in science class....maybe it would have created a different career path for me even then.....
My point is all classes....Science, Math, etc---create an interest for the student---show why the discipline is important to them. RELEVANCE....we have to establish a relevance of each and every subject.
which brings me to another point....after we have established is necessary to USE what has been learned---students have to APPLY what they have learned....that is essential. Basically what we do in classrooms is have students learn theory--let's get them out of the school building.....they should be out in the world at least ONCE A WEEK, using what they have learned.....some people call this APPLIED LEARNING...and for some ridiculous reason, this has come to have a "dumbed-down" connotation.....that is many times have you learned something and then later when you had to use it out in the world you had an "AH-HA" moment and said "yeah, that's what they meant, when they said......." then that cognitive concept is solidified for you....and it never goes away!!!
Let's begin in the third grade--work with the Dollar store down the street from the school, let's give the students "play money" and a shopping list and have them buy what they need for the week. Let's have Chemistry students in high school go to the USDA office and work with a researcher for the day and see the Chemistry principles that they have learned, let English students visit with copyrighters to see what really clear writing needs to be. Let's build a model roller coaster in Physics.... Let's apply the concepts we learn in Psychology to study the behavior of infamous individuals in history and how their behavior may have influenced history!!!
I get excited MYSELF just thinking about all the possibilities of how we could be having so much fun in classrooms and at the same time teaching, really teaching young people how wonderfully COOL life is, and how neat it is to learn things and expand our own worlds!!!
just remember these quotes from some very quotable individuals:
"Without involvement, there is no commitment. Mark it down, asterisk it, circle it, underline it. No involvement, no commitment." -- Stephen Covey
"Tell me, and I'll forget. Show me, and I'll remember. Involve me, and I'll learn." -- Marla Jones
tomorrow, I want to talk about creativity and what the President says about our preserving and cultivating creative talent. and one reason why we are having problems cultivating creativity with Echo Boomers
Until tomorrow......
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
More Than One Way To Be Smart
Do you know why public education was originally created ? Most believe it was created to promote literacy, so that all could be educated and in turn, better their existence in the long run.
Did you know that's false?
After child labor laws were created at the turn of the century and children could no longer work in the factories, there was rampant vagrancy, criminal behavior and other mischief because the "kiddies" of the masses were left unsupervised all day and cities had to "get them off the streets" to keep all that mischief "in check". At the same time, everyone viewed the Henry Ford concept of the assembly line as the most efficient way to get things done. Both of those created the public education system that exists today!
But wait, that was almost a hundred years ago......and the system pretty much operates the same way with minor changes.
Yes, we need to have a literate workforce and citizens that can efficiently operate in an advanced technological world, but one area in which WE are failing is the recognition that not every student is smart in the same way--there are students that are not very good Math scholars---but they have a tremendous ear for music, or they are good at reading people, or maybe they are Math geniuses--but they can't even compose a sentence that makes sense.
Ever heard of The Theory of Natural Intelligences?
This concept was developed by a professor of education at Harvard many years ago. It's central theory is that IQ is not the total package of intelligence and EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING has an area in which they excel. Look at some of the most famous theorists, inventors, philosophers, artists, philanthropists, and biologists in time......Albert Einstein was thought to be mentally retarded in his early school years---but he found another environment in which he succeeded and thrived!!
I think individual intelligences is a concept that needs to be recognized and utilized in public education AND as a self-reflective process in everyone's life---this one simple question: WHAT IS MY GIFT?
If individuals discover the answer to this question, they will have less chance of living in poverty and work unhappiness would be at a minimum.
If we are to help children and teenagers find their "gift", we must begin early in providing educational experiences that will reinforce that journey to the discovery of their natural gift...and certainly our pre-prescribed test benchmarks are not accomplishing that task!!!
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Sunday Morning Going Down
Sunday mornings are a great time for introspection and musing about what lies ahead of us for the week and month and year and years and years......
We all have people we admire and who serve as an inspiration to us as to what we can become and what we could accomplish.
This morning I was doing my usual "paper-readin', coffee-drinkin', news-watchin' " ritual and an interview with Jimmy Carter was featured. One of the points in the interview was that he has accomplished much more as an EX-president than what he accomplished as President. I have always admired Jimmy Carter TREMENDOUSLY because I always saw him as a politician UNLIKE other politicians--one with an extreme social consciousness and a person of tremendous compassion. I also didn't know that he has written many books, is a painter, and also an accomplished woodworker. Many of his paintings sell for $250,000 or more--and every bit of the money goes to the Carter center, which oversees a lot of philanthropic activities all over the world. He is just an amazing person!! He inspires me so much--he is 81 years old and travels all over the world--recently overseeing the Palestinian elections (what a mess that is right now.....) and some people at 81 relegate themselves to a rocking chair. I would so much LOVE to do some of things he does. Right after the program, Face the Nation interviewed President Bush--what an antithesis, although I really feeling rather sorry for P.B. as of late....he is a man who came to be elected and he was totally unprepared for the job and he has trusted the REAL villains in his administration (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove) and he has to fend the criticisms. but really....could he please learn how to pronounce the word "nuclear"???
Other people who have used their great wealth for social good--Bill Gates, Oprah, Bono, etc. then think of all other people of great wealth---and what do they do?
To have money and do good things--now that is what would make being wealthy fun and satisfying.....I if I could be so lucky!!!!
Friday, January 27, 2006
Friday Food for Thought: A Slippery Slope
Ironic that yesterday I was writing about "how much do we really need??" and this article (read below) appears in the paper this morning.
AUSTIN (AP) - The income gap between rich and middle- class families is wider in Texas than in any other state, and the gap between rich and poor families is the second-widest in the nation, a study released Thursday found.
In the early 2000s, the average income of the richest 20 percent of Texas families was $118,971, almost three times the average income of the middle 20 percent of families, which was $41,015, according to the study conducted by the Washington, D.C.-based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and the Economic Policy Institute.
The richest 20 percent of Texas families made just over eight times as much as the poorest 20 percent of families, whose average income was $14,724, the study found. Nationally, the average income of the richest families was $122,152, 2.6 times higher than the average income of families in the middle and 7.3 times higher than the average income of the poorest families.
The study, based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau's Current Population Survey, also found that in Texas and nationwide, the incomes of the richest families climbed substantially over the past two decades, while less wealthy families saw only modest income gains.
Elizabeth McNichol, a senior fellow with the center, said the uneven growth violates a fundamental principle of our economic system - that workers will be rewarded for helping our economy grow.
"When income growth is concentrated at the top of the income scale, the people at the bottom have a much harder time lifting themselves out of poverty and giving their children a decent start in life," she said.
The study blames a number of factors for the growth in income inequality, including long periods of high unemployment, globalization, the loss of manufacturing jobs and the expansion of low-wage service jobs.
It suggests states could narrow the gap by raising the minimum wage, offering low-wage workers support services such as transportation or child care, and increasing their reliance on income taxes rather than sales taxes, which the authors say take a larger percentage of income from low- and middle-income families than from the wealthy.
"To a large degree we're all in this together," said Don Baylor, a policy analyst with the Austin-based Center for Public Policy Priorities, which advocates increased spending on social services. "We're either going to rise or fall as a state together."
The study's findings and proposals didn't sit well with Michael Quinn Sullivan, vice president of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, an Austin think tank that advocates limited government and free markets.
He said income inequality studies are arbitrary analyses that don't take into consideration the "high turnover of wealth in the United States."
"Look at someone like a Bill Gates, look at Steve Jobs, look at Michael Dell," Sullivan said. "They did not come from money and they're now very, very, very, very wealthy individuals."
But James K. Galbraith, who teaches economics and government at the University of Texas at Austin, said businesses would rather have a well-trained work force than a favorable tax climate.
And educating the work force allows people to get better jobs that pay more money.
"If the gap between rich and poor gets too big, people will quit trying to move up the socio-economic ladder," said Galbraith.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Greed or "PC"
Whenever I have an occasion to drive from end of the city to the next (which is not TOO often) I see the disparity in people's neighborhoods--their houses, the merchants that they are able to access, their cars, the condition of the block in which they live and it causes me to feel a little sad and somewhat guilty. I see the children that play in those neighborhoods and wonder if they will be relegated to the same life as their parents.
The recent death of the elderly couple due to hypothermia, really made me think AND again feel guilty. They were so proud and didn't want anyone to help them and they had lived without ANY utilities since May--no water, no electricity, no gas--no lights, no A/C, no showers, no way to cook. and it would have cost the utility companies very little to have extended them some credit. when their utilities were shut-off, a technician had to go out and knock on the door to inform them of the cut-off--when they came to the door didn't he see that they were elderly and one of them was on oxygen--guess not!!
I mean, how much do we all really need? I guess I shouldn't feel too guilty because I drive a 12 year old car--cars are not really that important to me--they are just a means to an end--I keep it clean and it is dependable and best of all--I don't have a car payment (I detest paying car payments!!) I live in a house that is 52 years old--but it is big and roomy and it is nothing extravagant, really. but then I read news items that talk about how much money some of the CEO's of big corporations make and I am just wondering---what could you really do with all that money???...I mean surely they don't spend it all.... and the houses that I see people living in right here in Lubbock....I mean let's get real, here--many of them are just a purely vulgar display of wealth. Is it really necessary for some to live THAT large?? how much room do you really need for the three or four of you?
It's just my personal opinion....but if you live in a Taj Mahal type dwelling, you shouldn't be allowed to have another house until you have a build a basic house for someone else who doesn't have one.
Now, some would say: "well, that's not fair, I work really hard for my money"--well I don't think you work as hard and under such bad conditions as some of those who don't have as much as you....ever worked on an assembly line and only get two bathroom breaks per day or done construction, or shoveled gravel on I-27 in 100+ degree heat? and the pay of these jobs don't at all compensate for the less-than-ideal conditions.
Now some would say to this: "hey I had to sacrifice a lot to get the education that I got and do all the work necessary to get where I am today." well sure, that's understandable to think that way--but I am wondering how many lucky "breaks" you had because of your family or because you had a mentor or a parent or a coworker that helped you?
I am not trying to make those of you that are successful feel guilty, but just think about that question when you book your tickets to St. Croix or think about buying a new Lexus, or when you think you need a new Louis Vuitton purse.
How much do you really need??
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Grab Life by the Tail
A very busy day today....lots of college admission "thangs" to do for my son and lots of official paper working "thangs" for the business. I joined the Chamber today and applied for membership with the BBB. These organizations have some very, very nice, nice people working for them!! I enjoyed my visits with them very much!! and I am looking forward to activities within each organization. Not only will they help my business, hopefully, but they will give me some great fellowship as well.....
I have realized something from the last week or so....we can never afford to sit back and COAST....we have to keep growing and doing things that we have never done before, meeting people we haven't met before.
As humans, we cannot afford to get TOO comfortable in a "comfort zone" because we get lazy, unambitious. I teach this in my seminars all the time, so why I didn't "internalize" my own message....I don't know.....we are just like house plants....if we outgrow the pot we are in....somebody better put in another bigger, better pot or sooner or later...we will become "potbound" and DIE!!! It is never too late, never too soon, never too hopeless to become something new, someone new, and learn a new trick!
So, KEEP MOVING....don't let "brain paralysis" set in, get out and face the world, do something new. Things don't happen by magic or luck--they happen by taking risks and working hard.
There's something new to learn everyday!!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Drink from the fountain of career news!!
Oh, it is Tuesday!!! and almost the end of January....
I am trying to make some decisions about whether to continue on with what I have been doing for the last year (almost!!) or whether to get back into the 8-5 "thang". I am about to have a child in college and it is very expensive. I don't think he will be able to work because he is so involved in his music and acting and then he will need to study, of course (small little detail there....)
today I added my blog link on my website:
I hope some people will be reading. I do try to think thoughtfully about these things.
My heart is heavy for those individuals who will be losing their employment with Ford Motor Corporation. I read on that each of them will be given at least $15,000 for continuing education to be retrained in another career. The only stipulation was that they must be involved in that FULL TIME--which will be difficult if they are single parents or the only source of income.
I wish I could send each of them an email and tell them the following things:
1. "In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity"
This could be their chance to really, really do something that they
have always wanted to do and now they have money to go into that.
2. "Sometimes God gives us a gift that is wrapped up in a problem."
God is really, really busy and when he does something it has to impact
more than just US alone. It is my belief that all these "little things"
that happen to us are not random events but they strategically
placed so that 1) we live up to our potential and therefore, glorify
God and his creations and 2)we learn something about ourselves and
therefore become more like God and 3) we impact someone else be-
cause of it.
Just a little metaphysical philosophy from Counselor Carol this morning!!!
I need to work on "THE BOOK" this morning.
Pray for a money blessing for me so that I can continue to do what I love to do.
Happy Tuesday!!!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Just Another Manic Monday
I have come to appreciate my career testing business SO MUCH!!!
Each time, I am blessed to have another client, I get so is so much fun to talk with them, to test them. The part of the process that I love so much is taking all the pieces of each client (i.e. the testing, the talking, the self-awareness forms I have them complete) and I love trying to put all these pieces together and compose options for them and then the icing on the cake is to have them do some really efficient career decision making actions and it becomes THEIR plan...
I love that de-mystifying the person process. So, so, so much fun!!
I have found that I do a better job and I enjoy it more if I don't have more than three clients simultaneously. I just love my clients--I am still in contact with all of them--I email them and check on them and they email me and ask questions and let me know how things are doing!! too wonderful....
I try to work each morning for two hours on my writing projects. To do this, I try to move my laptop to my bedroom to watch the sun rise. It kind of separates the process of my career business from my writing business. The atmosphere helps to separate the two different thinking processes--and they do require very different thinking processes!
enjoy your Monday!
Sunday, January 15, 2006
There's still hope for Boomers!!!
There are more and more articles written about Baby Boomers and rightfully so....check out this article in newsweek by Dr. Gene Cohen who is in charge of the Center on Aging at George Washington University. Ever wonder why individuals take up painting and sculpting, writing, music, etc after retirement. This article tells a lot about the changing brain in middle age. this was very enlightening to me about why I am compelled to write things for free, paint my back yard fence with mural art, etc.
Another great article about boomers and careers can be read at
The article is titled: "Could Your Best New Hire Be a Recareering Boomer?"
the concept of recareering is very interesting. If retiring teachers only knew how valuable they are to businesses--they have the work ethic, the multi-tasking--all of the things that commerce is seeking. Recareering should be a routine process in the next 10 years with all the retiring teachers that are predicted to leave teaching. Of course, this will be a bad thing for education because of the "brain drain" concept of systems. The worst I believe is for retiring counselors--simply because they know the ISD systems backward and forward because they have to APPLY this information other position has to have as much knowledge about rules and regs (local, state, national, secondary and post-secondary) when the most knowledgeable retire BEWARE of the snafu's that will be made when advising students--because the NEWBIES do not know this information NOR do they really see a need to know this information. It is a scary time for all!!!
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Interested in At Risk Students?
I hope that if watch PBS, that you watched the David Sutherland film--Country Boys on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. If you have ever taught in an alternative school or worked with children in poverty--you will resonate very strongly with this film. You can read about the film at the link below
Houston, we have a problem.....
Go to this link to read: Houston is about to become the largest school district in the US to link teacher pay to test scores.
this is very disturbing.....
any comments??
also, click on this link about Jaime Escalante (remember Stand and Deliver?) and what he is doing now. He doesn't even live in the US anymore; he teaches in Bolivia.....(where did Lou Diamond Phillips go??) A most interesting interview....he voices most everything that I am thinking....
The U.S. Department of LaborBureau of Labor Statistics
recently published their latest predictions for job growth
Here are the findings, I think you will find them interesting.
Industries with the largest job growth
The 10 detailed industries with the largest wage and salary employment growth, 2004-14
(I have listed them by percentage)
Employment services
Local government educational services
Local government, excluding education and hospitals
Offices of physicians
Full-service restaurants
General medical and surgical hospitals, private
Limited-service eating places
Home health care services
Colleges, universities, and professional schools, private
Management, scientific, and technical consulting services
I think these are very interesting statistics. The industry with the third fastest growth is one that involves Employment Services--now keep in mind these are not only companies that have physical addresses, but they are also online....for, etc. These statistics bear out my concern about the new sub-culture in America--job-hatred, which according the Chicago-Times is a very growing problem in the U.S.
It is no surprise to me that Home Health Services is the fastest growing because Americans are living longer and want to stay at home rather than be in a hospital--number one, because of the cost. This is a very big business and I think that we will see it grow even faster than they predict....think about how big it will be in 20 years. The first Baby Boomers turn 60 this year and in 20 years when the "First Boomers" are 80--they will really need more employees--this will in turn lead to an even bigger need for RN's, LVN's, and Aides (more then the need we even have now!!)
I would like to have more information on the second highest growing area: Scientific and technical consulting. I am thinking that these businesses are probably biotech in nature. This industry is also going to be booming and most individuals don't even know what the term "biotech" entails. This means we need get more students involved in Chemistry and the Life Sciences--which is precisely where we are lagging behind now. It is my feeling that if students were to take the Science classes but somehow be connected with businesses in their community that actually use the concepts being taught in Chemistry and Biosciences, we would see more students intersted in the Sciences. Theory is lost on students--if they could see WHY the theory is important, out in the community, outside the school environment, it would get more attraction.
I keep telling my counseling clients and speaking audiences that 65% of the fastest growing careers are in the Medical area--and not just being a doctor or nurse!!! New medical discoveries are made everyday and for each discovery, several new jobs go along with it.
Of course, I need to add a postscript to this little discussion--individuals shouldn't use labor market information as the sole factor in career choice. There can be a "boatload" of opportunities in an industry sector, but if that is not your "thang" and you don't get "fired up" about it.....then it is not for you!! but is nice to know about obstacles and opportunities in your career attraction.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
What's in the news?
Just this evening, EdWeek had a forum on "Is it Right to Make a Superientendent the scapegoat?" I just laughed as I wrote: "I don't care!"...what I do care about is the fact that when I read articles about education, I see lots of "jargon"--assessment, data management, benchmark, end of course exams, TAAS, TAKS, CPAT, TPAT (all those letters can change depending on the state in which you live!) I read about principals "boo-hoo"-ing about how difficult it is to take care of their budgets--but I didn't hear anything about kids, about how they are, about what they need, about how they feel. I would compare it to Ford Motor company paying more attention to a carbuerator than to the customer that buys the car.
I used to subscribe to the government daily news letter about the Department of Education---well, gee, I thought that was what it was...I had to check and make sure I had subscribed to the right publication because I had the impression that it was Ms. Spelling's personal marketing site.
Personal that is another subject for another day because that is something that has been on mind a lot. Ahhh the evolution of the image of public education.
Is Anybody Reading?
I guess I have to ask three questions:
1. Why do we have public education?
2. What should we hope to accomplish by having public education?
3. If students are a by-product of the public education system--what should the product look like when it is finished?
I am a pretty global thinker and I like to get down to the nuts and bolts of things--if I am going to work for someone, I want to know what their expectations are--if I do a good your opinion, Mr. Boss, what will that job look like, feel like, smell like, and sound like.
I think that is only part of the problem today--if a student is successful--what does it look like, feel like, smell like, etc. Every school district employee has a different take on what success looks like--depending on what role they play in the district or the building, or the room....for principals it is one thing, for teachers another thing, for counselors another thing, for the nurse an entirely different view....we are not all on the same page. Everyone's "stuff" is more important than everybody else's stuff!!
Let's all get on the national same page FIRST--then pattern schools after those expectations.